Enfusion Fighter Jonay Risco

September 14th 2016

Fighter Profile
Name – Jonay Risco
Weight – 70-72.5kg (154-150 pounds)
Record – 57 wins 7 losses 1 draw with 5 Knock outs
Team – Moi Training / Team Rui

Where are you from ?
I am from Spain.

How long have you been training ?
I have been training for 15 years.

What was the defining moment for you when you knew you wanted to become a fighter ?
For me the important point my life when I said I want to be a fighter was when i was 18 years old and traveling to Thailand I fell in love with the country and the sport of Muay Thai.

Were your family and friends supportive when you decided to enter the world of Kickboxing ?
Not so much at first but since then they have realised how serious I am they are very supportive.

What is your current record ?
64 fights. 57 wins 7 defeats 1 draw 5 ko.

Who is your biggest inspiration ?
My biggest inspiration and motivation is my coach Ruibal Moises.

What team do you train with ?
Moi Training and Team Rui (spain / canary)

What does being a fighter mean to you ?
For me to be fighter means everything it is my life and my passion.

What weight do you fight at ?

what do you think separates you from other fighters In your division ?
I think my speed and rhythm in a fight makes me better than the rest.

If you could have one dream fight who would it be against ?
A rematch with Sitichai.

Who has been your toughest fight to date ?
I have had several complicated fights but I’ll stick with Andy Souwer or Sitichai.

What is your mindset going in to a fight ?
I think about giving it my all and breaking my rival. I always try to fight my fight and my opponents qualities vary but I always try to work on their weaknesses.

Who are you fighting next ?
My next fight will be September 17th in the Enfusion League against Crice Boussoukou from France

What promotion are you fighting for ?
The Enfusion League.

Date and time of your next fight ?
17th of September Enfusion Live Antwerp Belgium.

What do you want to be remembered for at the end of your career ?
Well, I would like to be remembered as one of the legends in the sport.

What is your favorite quote or motto ?
My favorite quote is go hard or go home.

What has been your biggest accomplishment in the sport so far ?
My biggest achievement is beating Andy Souwer and being Enfusion world champion.

Who has been most influential to you in your career ?
For me Andy Souwer is the best of all time and is my idol and my favourite fighter and I beat him.

How would you describe your fighting style ?
My style is rhythm and speed

What drives or motivates you ?
My ambition to be the best.

What is something people might not know about you ?
people who do not know the suffering in training every day they only see the tip of the iceberg when I fight but not the hours of gym time and sacrifice.

When you are not in the gym training what do y ou like to do in your free time ?
When I’m not in the gym I am with my family and friends, and I like to go to the beach and cinema.

What advice can you give to young fighters and those who want to become fighters ?
If you have a dream and really want to be something they have to fight every day be consistent and do not give up.

What gets you hyped up for a fight do you have any pre fight rituals that get you ready to go to battle ?
I focus on the fight but nothing out of the ordinary.

Where do you see the sport of kickboxing in 5 years
I would like to see it in the Olympics.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years ?
Improving and changing the kickboxing image in society for everyone

Who is your favourite fighter ?
My favorite fighter has always been Andy Souwer

Is there anyone you want to thank or give a shout out to ?
I want to thank my whole team Rui Moi Team , Marcelo my trainer and my coach Moises Ruibal.


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